Happy 4th of July!!! I am excited for today! We are going to a BBQ for lunch at some friends and then having another one at our house with Jeff and Erica while we watch fire works and maybe do a few of our own. I always love watching fireworks! Although I don't think anything will beat last year when we were in NYC and we watched them there. It was a pretty amazing show!!
Owen and Jeff chillin on the roof!
Kosmo in his bed on the air conditioner on the roof.
Here are a few pictures of our day today. We watched fireworks on our roof with Jeff and Erica and had a very good day!
BTW sorry I seem to blog so much but I am currently unemployed and it seems like Owen is either at work or trying to catch up on his sleep from working graves so I have some time on my hands.
I love all the bloggin', I need to be better. I was really reminicent of last 4th too, I kept thinking, can't we make it a tradition for the whole fam damnly do come out every year...
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